When my dad died at the end of May, he left me a ring he used to wear.  I’m not big on jewellery but I’m wearing my dad’s ring.  It reminds me of him – of the way he loved and raised me.  All that he taught me.  Every day I have his ring on my finger and I remember him.

I also wear a wedding ring.  A daily reminder of my wife and the vows I have made to her.  Of how much I love her and of how she loves me.

Two rings that remind me of the two most significant relationships in my life.

Two rings that also remind me of two powerful images from the bible.  A reminder that God is my father in heaven and that Jesus is a bridegroom in waiting who loves and cherishes His bride.  Two daily reminders that in this life I am loved and that when this life is over, I will be with my God forever.